
12月のBest Post②わたしの学生生活「寮・ひろしま国際プラザの魅力」
STUDENT LIFE · 2023/12/26
My Dorm is really special for me because I am able to experience many events just in one place. From really particular events like playing billiard or using the gym or use the different sport grounds.

10月のBest Post③学校の授業「It's especially important to prepare」
STUDENT LIFE · 2023/11/08
大学院授课相对自由,授业形式取决于老师,有网络授课,有面对面授课,也有下载录制视频的。At graduate schools, lectures are relatively free, and the form of instruction depends on the teacher, from online lectures to face-to-face lectures to downloadable video recordings...

10月のBest Post①学校の授業「私の専攻について」
STUDENT LIFE · 2023/11/08
この写真は広島大学の東広島キャンパスの超巨大キャンパス内にある、私が学んでいるビルです。 IDECは、国際協力研究科の略称で、広島大学の大学院の一つで、…

9月のBest Post③自然災害・防災対策「経験や技術から学ぶ防災訓練」
DAILY LIFE · 2023/10/03
A country prepared to minimize the effects of natural disasters by giving its citizen the opportunity to learn from common, and the newest technologies experiences.

9月のBest Post②自然災害・防災対策「日頃からの防災対策」
DAILY LIFE · 2023/10/03

7月のBest Post①平和について「被爆電車に乗って」
CULTURE · 2023/07/20
ABOUT PEACE IN HIROSHIMA Nhắc đến Hoà bình thì không thể không nhắc đến Hiroshima, … 平和について言えば、… When mentioning Peace,…

6月のBest Post②日本(広島)へ留学した理由「広島で歴史と社会を学ぶ」
STUDENT LIFE · 2023/07/04
I am Kadi. I am from Senegal. I come to study in Japan in September 2022.

2月のBest Post③広島ならではのエピソード「呉焼き」
DAILY LIFE · 2023/03/01
 广岛的独特故事  你知道吗?在广岛的不同地区,有着当地不同特点的御好烧。今天,为了品尝在吴市流行的吴烧,我们来到了经营了60多年的老牌吴烧店——“YAMASHITA”。我想讲一下在吴市的这段独特故事。

2月のBest Post①広島ならではのエピソード「文化の違い」
DAILY LIFE · 2023/03/01
An excitement in culture difference. *(Postponed) end year party & after final presentation party.* In Japan, it’s typical to hold end year party and drinking party after doing a final presentation which is not common in my country.

12月のBest Post③広島のおすすめスポット・食べ物「最近、西条で好きな場所」
DAILY LIFE · 2022/12/27
My favorite places at Saijo lately: 1. around my apartment with piled up snow 2. Indonesian Restaurant near Saijo Station 3. Thai Restaurant and its wholesome Thai food near Ishigasebashi
