
私とインド人の友だちです。私はときどきアセアンの人びとの顔がよくにていると思っています。 同じようにアセアン人たちも中東人とインド人の顔がいっしょと思っています! だから私たちのおとなりさんがいつも私たちを逆に読んでいます。。。
bento time! I love bentos because they are healthy version of fast food So yesterday I was eating bento while looking at this view with couple of really kind and amazing friends I have been lucky to make in Hiroshima. Then I had to pinch my self to make sure my life wasn't a dream... 昨日おいしベントを食べながら奇麗な景色を見た。。。しんじられないほど楽しいかた。

今日の晩御飯は韓国のビビンバ でした。とっても美味しかった。 私のアルバイトのところの店長さんはとても優しい人なのでいつも私のバイトがおわたあと美味しい韓国料理を店長さんからくれます。 Today I had a really nice ‪‎bibimbap‬ after my work. Oh I was so hungry... I love ‪#‎Koreanfood‬ but every time I try to make it on my own it never is as delicious as the ones my boss makes. I am so lucky to have...
"森のコンサート"というコンサートに行った。 このコンサートは"大人のかくれ家"の主催だった。このコンサートでは15作品の発表がありました。 日本人は年を重ねてもとっても活動的だと思う。だから日本人は長寿なのだろう。 I went to a ‪‎concert‬ organized by a senior citizens club in ‪Hiroshima‬. The concert was called "jungle concert", there was around 15 performances. You see... thats how Japanese...
私はうどんが大いいすき,特に太いともちもちうどん,だから今日うどんを食べに行きました。 うどんは美味しかった。丸亀うどん屋に行った,毎月の一日うどんのねだんが半額になる。。。やばくないそれ?!!! 美味しくて,やすいうどんを食べたからうれしかった。‪ I really love ‪udon‬...I specially ‪‎love‬ ‪fat‬ thick udons So today I went to ‪‎marugameudon‬ shop and satisfied my...
I went to Osaka to cheer for Iranian and Japanese Volleyball team. I went to Osaka on 17th September. It was a really Fun day for me :-)
We (Hiroshima study abroad Ambassador) had our meeting in Saijo town which is located 1 hour away from Hiroshima City. We visited number of Sake factories, had our group meeting, and we had a workshop on wearing Kimono.
Recently I attended the " International youth summit for nuclear abolition " in Hiroshima. It was a great experience as I could hear opinions on nuclear activities around the world from youth who are about my age. In my discussion group we briefly discussed about future of Iranian nuclear program as it is a hot topic nowadays. I am aware of the hazards of nuclear programs be it for peaceful purposes or military purposes. If a country has availability to nuclear energy but decides to abandon the...