
ひろしま留学大使 インタビューvol.2 Taylor Ferran

Taylor Ferran

Northern Ireland → Hiroshima

Prefectural University of Hiroshima

Q1. Please introduce yourself.

I’m Taylor Ferran. I’m 21years old from Northern Ireland from Ulster University and I’m here in Hiroshima studying for 1 year at the Prefectural University of Hiroshima.

I love computer games and I am a bit of a nerd so Japanese technology interested me a lot. 

Q2. Why did you apply to HSAA?

It was the social aspect, I love to show my family my experience on social media so I thought I could do the same thing by showing the whole HSAA following what I get up to here. 

I love to meet international people from many countries, including Japan.

Q3. Why did you choose the university in Hiroshima?

I have to do placement year where I either work in my country or study abroad, so I chose this.

My professor at my home university went to school with a professor from Hiroshima university and they decided to set up an exchange system.

Q4. What are the good points of Hiroshima?

Firstly food, this is my first time in Asia. Noodles and rice, all food are amazing here, especially Okonomiyaki.

Hiroshima is a beautiful city and is very international friendly.

Which is very nice as getting things done here has always been very easy for me.

Q5. Please give a message to your Kohai (the students) who plan studying abroad in Japan.

It might seem scary at first, but after you get past the initial nervousness it is truly amazing. I have had so many new experiences which have taken me out of my comfort zone and helped me grow as a person.